Positive Training Methods
A KPA Certified Training Partner
The strongest relationships between dogs and humans are based on
cooperation and kindness rather than a human dominance/animal
submission methodology, which is central to outdated traditional
training methods. Positive training helps to establish and maintain
a connection that increases trust and therefore creates a stronger
bond between dog and owner, because if your dog feels good about
you, he will be a happier, more confident and better-behaved dog.
- Is skilled in using positive teaching and training techniques with you and your pet to make training fun.
- Is educated about using
science and behavior-based methods to make training more efficient.
- Can customize a training program specifically designed to help you and
your pet communicate and succeed together.
- Participates in programs
for quality assurance and continuing education to ensure the training
you receive is based on modern research and technology.
- Pledges to
teach and train using force-free principles so that you and your dog
develop a bond built on trust and respect.