Partners have over 30+ years of experience in agility and positive dog training. Terry holds multiple certifications in a variety of training methodologies and Jennifer is a researcher in the field of human/animal bonding and relationships. They share a desire to create a premier agility training facility which provides positive training for handler/dog partners to build a trusting and bonded relationship while training where the teams will compete.
In addition to classes, we expect to hold agilities trials for the AKC, NADAC and CPE organizations. The facility will house a competition ready agility ring that meets the competition specifications of the above organizations. Our students will be trained in the same facility where they may also choose to compete if they desire. We will also provide the option of facility membership. For a monthly fee, members will have 24 hour access to the agility facility. They will have access to all the open ring times to practice and may have access to the member’s only room during trials.
To provide a competition sized training facility that offers multiple types and levels of classes for dog/handler teams in a competition style facility where members can train where they will compete.
To become Louisville’s premier dog training center producing competitive champions in agility and other dog sports. To increase the numbers of handlers involved in the sport and bonded with their dog, while decreasing the number of canines euthanized yearly in Louisville, Kentucky. We firmly believe that when the human/nonhuman animal bond is strengthened, both participants receive benefits. We hope to contribute to an overall decrease in the number of animals euthanized in Jefferson County by securing bonds between new dog owners and their adopted dog.
has been training with operant conditioning since 1988 and loves seeing
animals respond to positive training. She offers private lessons, and
teaches group classes. Terry likes helping people and their dogs develop a
bond and relationship based on trust. She finds it especially rewarding
to work with dogs that have problems, and to see the difference clicker
training can make for them and their owners. Terry teaches classes in
Classes offered in Agility (all levels), Obedience, Rally, Tracking,
and Freestyle, Control Unleashed classes (based on Leslie McDevitt's
book), Canine Good Citizen training and testing, Private behavior
consultations - KPA-CTP- CPDT-KA #1102175- APDT #64693- CGC
Evaluator #10186- MDSA #320
has over 17 years of management experience including several years of
independent business operation. She is a sociologist studying the
human/animal relationship and teaches sociology part-time at University
of Louisville while working on PhD studies. Her current research
focuses on
Gender and Leadership in Animal Sheltering Organizations. As
an intern for The Bark magazine, Jennifer wrote the Fall 2013 editorial
titled "The
State of Sheltering in America." She currently takes classes
and competes in Agility with her dogs. She
Val has over 10 years of experience
teaching training courses including agility, freestyle, rally,
tracking and scenting. Val has extensive experience competing
with her dogs including Katie, Chloe and Clayton - Dachshunds; Kelsey
- a German Shorthaired Pointer; Conner - a Sheltland Sheepdog and
CaBoum - a Pyrenean Shepherd. Val's lifelong love of animals
makes her truly love what she does on the training field.
have been training dogs since 1975. I am a past president and Director
of Training of Greater Louisville Training Club. I have been involved
with dog agility since the late 1980s. I have taught agility and shown
Goldens and Sheltie in Agility. My sheltie Zane has achieved his Master
Agility Championship (MACH) I am currently training another Sheltie